
Feedback Loop Acceleration

By reducing the time spent waiting for feedback on different steps, developers can achieve more results, while being less stressed.

Engineering can be defined as a series of feedback loops: simple tasks that developers do and wait to get feedback on — which might be by a colleague, a system (an automation) or end users.

The inner dev loop is where the individual developer codes and tests, and once the developer pushes their code to version control, the outer dev loop is triggered. The outer dev loop is everything else that happens leading up to release. This includes code merge, automated code review, test execution, security validation, deployment, controlled (canary) release, and observation of results.

Highly effective organizations have designed their engineering organization to optimize for effectiveness and feedback loops. Leadership over time creates a culture that leads to empowering developers to make incremental improvements to these feedback loops. It starts with a recognition by leadership that technology — and removing friction from development teams — is vital to the business.

How we can help you

Lower time to first push
Standarizing development tools in your company
Easier project on boarding
Using development tools and helpers that just works
Faster local development
Optimizing compilation times
Reduce waiting time on pushes
Acceleration CI/CD pipelines
Better feature development
Enabling feature environments
Optimized validation of changes
Applying a concide metric strategy

The key to empowered developers